
Error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-5:AEC-0]

The Google Play / Android Market error message: Error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-5:AEC-0]

can make a diffuculties whis update / install apps, this eror: retrieving information from server RPC:S-5:AEC-0 one day just appeared on my phone. However this is a way how I found a solution to fix the RPC:S-5:AEC-0 error:

I tried these steps what helped other people:

Go the Settings app, click apps, then select “All”

  1. Next in the all apps view find the “Google Play Store” and click on it
  2. Now click “Clear Cache” (Not Data), then Force Stop.
  3. Next in the same app list find “Google Service Framework”
  4. Click clear data (Not Cache), then Force Stop
  5. Reboot the phone or tablet.

Now your Google Play should work properly.

For those who don’t find this working, try this solution – worked for me and many others:

  1. Settings > Accounts > Google – REMOVE your existing account (yes, I know it’s scary, but it’s ok, honestly)
  2. Settings >Add account > Google -re-add the same account

THEN Play store will behave again. You may need to restore sync etc. settings due to the account removal and reinstatement, but not a big issue – you’ll be prompted if and when that’s needed.
